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Patient Participation Group

What is a PPG?

It’s a group of people who are patients of the practice and who wish to take a more active interest in finding out more about the practice or would like to influence the development of local health services. The aim is for staff and patients to work together to share ideas to help patients to take more responsibility for their own health and to help the services offered at the practice.

What does a PPG do?

A PPG is a critical friend to the practice giving feedback about GP services, exploring solutions and issues and contributing to plans to help monitor improvements so PPGs can inspire positive change.

What is in it for patients?

By providing feedback and suggestions, patients can improve services and outcomes for everyone. Working in a spirit of mutual respect, openness and trust, patients’ views will be listened to. The PPG welcomes comments on every aspect of the patients and we are particularly keen to hear from parents with young families, young adults and to achieve a greater diversity of backgrounds.

If you would like to find out more about the PPG or would like to share your views and comments with its members please contact the group and by emailing to or completed the form available in reception and you'll be added to the contact list.

PPG Annual report

PPG Minutes April 2024